Friday, June 22, 2012

reblog: so this all seems horrible

First it's a dead whale. And then you realize... No this is much worse.

Sharks attack whale from Rachel Campbell on Vimeo.

Via iO9.

P.S. That girl is nuts.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

movies: 2 Broke Geeks- broke animator

Here's this week's Wednesday episode of 2 Broke Geeks about how to be a broke animator!

photos: Evan visit

Just uploaded some pictures of my friend Evan visiting and us going up to the Griffith observatory.

You can check out the rest here.

blog: rotten tomatoes on that's my boy

It's nothern solstice and that means the summer Thundercats are go! Which means we are in the heat of Hollywood blockbusters trying to be released before Dark Knight Rises dominates the box office. Which means it's prime Rotten Tomatoes time.

Rotten Tomatoes can get a bit difficult to check sometimes. Either the critics are extremely violent or the fanboy reaction is extremely violent or the 99 out of 100 times that both are occurring at the exact same time.

Here are two critics on the film That's My Boy:

Now usually these posts get flooded with low-brown fanboy reaction that most of the time puts forth arguments like "you're the worst" and "go dig yourself a ditch" but today, like that fateful day in December during WWI when the Germans and English played soccer, a mircale has happened. Everyone can agree that That's My Boy deserves a 23%.

Here's Eric D. Snider's review of the film:

And here is the audience response. To save you time, I've highlighted the LOL's and LMFAO's in red.

Christmas has come early. And it's called summer solstice.

You can check out Eric D. Snider's comment thread for yourself as well as the RT page for That's My Boy.

blog: y u no let me do things?

Photobucket has a website page just to stonewall you in case you can't visit the website itself. Hardest game on the internet in my opinion.

Monday, June 18, 2012

photos: IV trip

Just uploaded some photos from my trip to Isla Vista that I took at some point.

You can check them out here.

photos: SLO trip

Just uploaded some photos from a trip to SLO!

You can check them out by clicking here.

photos: LA zoo

I just uploaded some pictures from the LA zoo!

You can check them out here.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

blog: geeked out facebook thread

This is why we host a show called 2 Broke Geeks

movies: margarita salt

This is the first episode of Margarita Salt that I wrote and got to act in like a year ago. It was a ton of fun to work on and was a complete labor of love. HUGE PROPS to Georgina who poured her heart and soul into this.